
Birth Education Consultants

Certified And Experienced Experts 

Flexible Timing

Guaranteed Results

Track Progress

What is Childbirth Education?

Childbirth is an important step in pregnancy. Lack of proper information regarding this can lead to a lot of complications, both in the mother as well as in the child. So, it is of utmost importance to understand childbirth and follow the procedure to avoid any future problems.

Benefits of Childbirth Education

  • It prepares you and your partner for the birth of a baby.
  • These classes help you to deal with your fear related to childbirth.
  • It helps you to clear all your questions about childbirth and giving you apt information.
  • It creates better camaraderie between the couple.
  • It gives hands-on instruction and demonstrates the same.

Why Pregamate ?

The trained staff at Pregamate guides you through the process of childbirth. The sessions here are personalized and interactive. You can opt for one-to-one session as well as group sessions. In addition, you can even talk and discuss with other parents / couples. Moreover, all the classes are designed based on the research and patient needs. In conclusion, we make sure that you make a bond with your child mentally and physically. 


1.Why is childbirth important?

Ans: Childbirth helps you reduce fear and anxiety during pregnancy.

2.What is a birthing class called?

Ans: A birthing class is also called a Lamaze class. These classes are designed to assist and prepare mothers at the time of pregnancy.