

One should have gained 25–29 pounds by this thirty-fifth week. The uterus is about six inches above the belly button, and the belly button may be sensitive to the touch. The baby should be moving to a head-down position in the pelvis region, which reduces pressure on the ribs, chest, and lungs, but increases pressure on the bladder. This will cause to urinate more often, and can become quite annoying. Back pain, pelvic pain, and pelvic numbness can all occur. The numbness is due to pressure on the pelvic nerves. This can continue until the birth of the baby.c

The baby is floating in about a quart of amniotic fluid. It will now gradually decrease until the birth of the baby. The kidneys are fully developed now, and the liver can process some waste products. Most of the basic physical development is now complete. Baby will spend the next few weeks putting on weight. The baby is about the size of a honeydew melon, length is 18 ¼ inches and weighs 5 ¼ pounds.

Heartburn and bloating, clumsiness, feeling bored are the symptoms seen in this week.