
Lactation Counseling Consultants

Certified And Experienced Experts 

Flexible Timing

Guaranteed Results

Track Progress

Breastfeeding is the best gift a mother can give to her child!

What is Lactation Counseling?

Counselling about breastfeeding is a crucial step to achieve good health for both mother and child. These sessions are conducted to overcome the challenges a mother faces during the process.

Why is Lactation Counseling Important?

Lactation counselling helps the mother to overcome challenges in a better and integrated manner. Today women face a lot of problems as the work environment has changed a lot and there is additional stress on women. 

Other medical complications are:

  • Poor milk supply 
  • Breast pain 
  • Sore nipples 
  • Poor infant weight gain 
  • Finding a comfortable nursing position 

According to WHO standards 6 months exclusive breastfeeding is compulsory. Moreover during this duration no other food material is given and there is no substitute for mother’s milk.

Why Pregamate ?

At Pregamate, our team of well experienced lactation counsellors are here to guide you for better feeding. The ultimate goal is to provide you a complete solution and the ways you can feed the baby in a better way. We as a team make sure that you are comfortable .


1.What does a lactation counsellor do?

Ans: Lactation counsellor helps the new parents to overcome breastfeeding challenges.

2.When should I see a lactation counsellor?

Ans: The right time to see a lactation counsellor is after birth. But taking classes in advance helps you prepare for breastfeeding.

3.What is the difference between CLC and IBCLC?

Ans: A CLC is experienced at the entry level while an IBCLC is experienced at the advanced level.