
Garbh Sanskar

Garbh Sanskar Consultants

Certified And Experienced Experts 

Flexible Timing

Guaranteed Results

Track Progress

Have you heard of the fact that your child can listen from the uterus? Yes, it’s true and now it’s our duty to instill the best possible values through Garbh Sanskar.

What is Garbh Sanskar?

It is a method evolved to inculcate a value system in the womb of the mother. It has gained a lot of popularity as it helps in the overall development of a child that is physical and mental. Additionally, it helps in better bonding between mother and child. These classes include yoga, meditation, prayer, reading spiritual books, positive thinking and much more.

Importance of Garbh Sanskar

Earlier the better! Today we live in a competitive world and it’s important to start early. Sessions will make your child learn better in future. The value system will be created from the beginning itself and help the baby to grow. Moreover, listening to music and prayers will help the mother to relax. As a result, her mood will enhance and a balance is created.

How Will Pregamate Help?

We have a team of best teachers to achieve this by creating a proper schedule and coming up with new ideas to instil values in the unborn.


1.What is included in Garbh Sanskar?

Ans: Listening to good songs and stories, eating good food and consuming good content are included in it.

2.Does Garbh Sanskar work?

Ans: There is scientific evidence that proves that Garbh Sanskar is effective on the unborn child.

3.Which month is Garbh Sanskar?

Ans: Garbh Sanskar begins 3 months after the conceiving.