

Pregnant women gain the most weight during weeks 20 – 30. As this thirtieth week comes and goes, one will continue to gain weight, but the most dramatic physical changes are pretty much over. One may be feeling uncomfortable due gaining weight and as pregnancy pains continue to plague the daily life. Pregnancy hormones will loosen up the joints and the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease as the baby grows inside.

About a pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds the baby. The amount will peak around 34 to 36 weeks. The baby may now be able to see dim shapes. The pupils are able to constrict and expand, allowing the eyes to let in more or less light. The baby is about the size of a large cabbage, length is 15 ¾ inches and weighs 3 pounds.

Fatigue, growing feet, mood swings are the symptoms for this phase.