
Now that one is 5 weeks pregnant, one of the things that will be going on in the body is the continual development of the placenta. The pregnancy hormones in the body would have fully taken their place. These pregnancy hormones are the chemical signals that will pass the information all over the body and make the necessary changes that the body needs.

There is also the likelihood that one will feel depressed from this stage as it is recorded that about 10 to 20 percent of women will get depressed in the stage of their pregnancy. But then, if the time the depression is moving beyond two weeks, one may have to see the doctor.

Below are the body changes observed during week 5;

  • Food cravings and aversions

Food cravings usually start to emerge at the end of the first trimester, peak and intensify during the second trimester, and then typically begin to subside. Around the same time, many pregnant women also experience at least one food aversion, or a new sense of repulsion at the very thought of a snack they previously enjoyed. Food aversions are often associated with morning sickness and nausea.

  • Fatigue

Fatigue is an early sign of pregnancy nearly all women experience in the first trimester that can begin in the weeks after conception and implantation. Fatigue during early pregnancy typically gets better around the start of the second trimester. Pregnancy fatigue often returns in the third trimester, though it varies from pregnancy to pregnancy.

  • Nausea

Technically known as nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP), the symptoms typically start from week 6 of pregnancy on. And since that sense of smell is extra keen in a newly pregnant woman, morning sickness also causes many women to have strong aversions to certain foods and smells.

  • Excessive Saliva

Saliva build-up in the mouth early in pregnancy, sometimes called ptyalism gravidarum, is one of those strange pregnancy symptoms some moms-to-be experience, though it’s relatively rare and most often reported by women who also have morning sickness.